Class Calender

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Thursday, November 27, 2008

Closing of Class and Chalet Fund
The Class/Chalet Fund accounts are as Above

Surplus Class Fund: $76
Total Chalet Fund Collected: $520
Total Chalet Claimed Expenditure: $602.85 (average cost of $26.21 per person, 23 person)

Final Chalet/Class fund balance: -$6.85 (absorbed by Warren)

Claims yet to be reimbursed: Jo Ee ($91.35) and Qin Pei ($7.00)
(Please make arrangements to collect from Warren, asap)

Closing Statement:

I, Warren Tan, hereby on behalf of the Class Treasurer (Ee Huai) and the Chalet Finance Team, having done up the accounts, now presents the account for audit.
The accounts shall be officially closed on 4 December (7 days from today), if no objections and edits is received.

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